Scott had been trekking through the forest for nearly two hours and a half. He started the hike at seven and now it is nine thirty, the time people usually wake up on Saturdays. At the entrance to the forest reservation he had looked up and the sky was a deep orange, now through the branches and leaves that provided shade to his path, he could see that the sky was a pretty blue with the occasional cotton- ish streaks of cloud mottled upon it. He had also witnessed the wholesome morning practises of some of the forest critters.
Scott had been planning this hike all week. He had researched about it on travel websites and bought maps from outdoor shops to understand the path around the forest better. He was on his way to the summit of the mountain that was ahead of him in the distance. There was an area where the path forked into two different pathways; one that was quite circuitous and another that was shorter but required crossing a river and some rock climbing. Scott, being the adventurous soul that he was, obviously chose the one that included the crossing and climbing without hesitation, ventured off into that pathway when he approached the fork.
The path ascended a little and then Scott felt he was treading down a slight descent, where then the flow of water came into range of hearing. The river looked beautiful in the morning as the sun fell through the branches overhead and made its flowing waters sparkle. The sound of the river was organic and peaceful. Scott could see that there was a rope bridge over the river, wide enough for one person to walk along. The width of the river was not too drastic though and it did not pose itself as dangerous. Scott was slightly disappointed, he did want to feel a little risk and adventure, but he walked towards the bridge anyways, eager to get to the rock climbing quickly. But just then, he heard a suspiciously loud crunching and crackling of leaves to his left and froze in his tracks. A moose maybe? A wild boar? Clearly such a sound could have only been made by a very heavy animal. To his shock, he heard the sound approaching closer and closer towards him and then right before the creature appeared, he heard a sprightly feminine voice yell out;
“Hey traveller! Cease where you stand!”
Scott’s eyes widened incredulously as he saw before him a female naga slithering onto the pathway, blocking the bridge. Scott would have attempted to jump over the naga and run across the bridge, but the naga was far too big-no, far too fat for that to happen. Excluding the height of her torso, the naga’s purple scaled tail was eight feet long and equally thick. As she kept her tail coiled before Scott, blocking his way to the bridge, the hiker could see how fat the coils were. The naga’s human face was easy on the eyes; short blonde hair and chestnut brown eyes and a mischievous smile on her face the whole while. Her body proportions corresponded to that of her tail; massive E-cup tits that rested atop a corpulent, hanging belly that formed belly rolls at the side. Her hips were quite wide as well. The naga wore nothing except for a piece of cloth that concealed her genitalia, but even that was quite unnecessary, since her hanging, flabby gut partially concealed her member either way.
“Traveller,” she declares, “what’s your name?”
Scott, blinking his eyes rapidly to assure himself that he is not in some sequence of hallucination, replied with confusion; “Oh, uhm , sorry… My name is Scott.”
The fat naga scrutinised him like he was a dessert; her eyes ran down from his soft, curly head of hair to his puppy like eyes and his trim, handsome figure. He wasn’t extremely muscular, but he did manage to look the most delectable cutie to her eyes.
‘“Well Scott,” she says with a lick of her lips, “my name’s Madeline but you can call me Maddy for short.”
“Alright Maddy ,” he replies, finding it hard to remove his eyes from the great gut of hers, “H-how may I help you?”
“Well, here’s the deal sweetie… I give you three riddles, and if you answer each of them correctly, I'll let you pass, but if you don’t, well…”
In both implicating his consequence of losing as well teasing his unwavering stares at her gut, Maddy gave a firm slap to her belly, making Scott marvel at how all that flab wobbled like jello before him.
“I needn’t say more, should I Scott? What do you say? You ready?”
Scott stood in hesitation. Was he prepared to take on the challenge? A part of him was afraid, but another part of him was excited, he was someone who loved to take risks after all, it was a core part of who he was. He exhaled briefly and looked directly towards the corpulent naga once again; “Alright Maddy , I’m up for it…”
The purple tailed naga eagerly tapped her fingers against her tummy and grinned;
“ Hehehe , well alright then Scott sweetie, you ready?”
“Okay… here’s the first one, I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body but I come alive with the wind. What am I?”
Scott took a minute or two to understand the riddle, trying to procure what it alluded to. Maddy had a glimmer of triumph in her eyes observing the perplexed look on the hiker’s face, but that triumph was short lived as she heard his answer;
“An echo.”
“Huh, what, how di- nevermind , on to the next one. You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy, what am I?”
Scott took less time than the previous one and answered immediately,
“Oh, a candle!”
“Huh!? How do you know about all this? Isn’t this stuff super tough?”
Scott simply shrugged and told the naga;
“Used to read riddle books as a kid. A ton of them.”
This was alarming for the fat naga, and she spent a few seconds trying to come up with a riddle so difficult that would secure this traveller as a meal in her gut. Finally, she came up with one;
“Alright hotshot, don’t think you’re gonna solve this one so easily, here it is; You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look, you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?”
“Yeah, I’ve read this one before, it’s because everyone on the boat is married.”
This one brought immeasurable shock to Maddy . She barely lost to any one of them. Her body was a trophy of all her wins; every single traveller who had lost to her riddles she digested with sadistic triumph and proudly wore their fate as they wobbled on her fat frame. Even though Scott had beat her fair and square, the naga still couldn’t bear the fact that this cutie would escape adding another cup size to her tits.
“Well, alright then,” she said reluctantly, “I guess I’ll have to let you pass, you did outsmart me after all.”
With that being stated, Maddy slowly slithered to a side to let Scott pass. The hiker could see the naga slowly move her purple coils to a side.
There was a look of beaming pride that Scott could not repress as he approached the bridge. He felt like some ancient mythic hero who had overcome a Herculean task. Walking with his head held high and his sights unwaveringly set on the journey before him, Scott was about to take his first step on the bridge, until, in the moment he blinked his eyes, he felt himself being pulled back, and his heart leaped into his mouth as soon as he began to realise what was happening.
His legs start kicking about chaotically while he felt the naga bring them up to swallow him with ease. Scott felt himself pulled down with each swallow, sliding down Maddy’s salivating oesophagus . The hiker cringed in disgust as he made his way down the naga’s stomach, all covered in digestive juices. The naga slurped his legs in with a relish and sent the young hiker down past her wide wobbling hips.
Her tailgut was now satisfied with a live meal. Maddy slithered about lazily and her mind was in a daze while she licked her lips, the taste of the young hiker still on them.
Meanwhile, Scott lay in an uncomfortable horizontal position inside Maddy’s tailgut . He could feel the uncomfortable sting of the stomach acids about him. He tried to shift himself about and make rapid, powerful pokes at the naga’s stomach walls, but to no avail.
“Hey, I won the challenge,’ he cried out, “So let me out you lardass of a lamia!”
Maddy , now in a relaxed, recumbent position beside a shrub, cooed in pleasure as she felt the familiar and ineffectual, but massage-like, struggles of her prey.
“I changed my mind on that Scott, I’m sorry… but you were just too cute to let go…”
From her gut and weight alone, Scott could tell that the naga was well experienced in dealing with losers of the challenge. But how many were the unfortunate victims of her cheating?
“Darn it Maddy ! Let me out!”
Scott vehemently struggled to unsettle the naga’s gut. He did not hike all the way here to be snake chow. He could feel his surroundings shaking rhythmically now, he could even hear Maddy take quick, rapid breaths.
Yes! His plan was succeeding! The fatass of a snakewoman was losing breath from all his vigorous struggle and about to throw him up. By then, he’d wipe away that naga saliva and would be a triumphant adventurer who had overcome the gluttony of that dangerous snake woman!
A few more rapid breaths and Scott was sure she’d throw him up by now. Just then, all of a sudden, the tumultuous shaking and vigorous movements ceased. This confused Scott. He did hear a long, but satisfied exhale though. Puzzled as to what exactly she was doing, it finally dawned on him with much dread, what the naga was really doing.
Sticking her tongue out and panting after the arduous fingering session, Maddy forgot how pleasurable the struggle of prey could be.
“God that felt good,” she says to herself while caressing her stomach, “All good in there Scott?”
A response, muffled and incoherent beneath the many layers of fat, was directed angrily at the naga.
“You’re not the first and you won’t be the last… but I’m pretty sure you’ll be the best.”
She says this with a sadistic delight as she massages her tailgut , in order to quicken the process of digesting him into more naga flab.
“Oh, how I’ve caught and gulped down many countless cute boys like you.”
Scott then hears the ominous sounds of the stomach acids rising about him.
“How I just churn them away helplessly into flab~”
Turning her tail about, Scott was helplessly tossed about and drenched even more in the naga’s stomach acids. The process of digestion was about to begin.
“I just can’t wait for you to pad out my tits, Scott…”
Scott slowly started to go numb, it was now difficult for him to voice his protests, but it would have been pointless even if he could, since in her passionate, sadistic trance as a dominant predator, she had fallen into a deep slumber, while her powerful stomach worked on assiduously breaking down the cute hitchhiker.
Afternoons were when the forest began to cool down a bit and a comfortable, warm wind would blow through the trees and cause the leaves to rustle. Maddy awoke to the same rustling of leaves, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Her stomach sloshed slightly with digestive acids, though by now, her stomach was more or less empty, signifying the power of her digestive system. Maddy felt a considerable amount of weight sagging down from her stomach, a nd sure enough, the weight gain was visually evident as well.
The naga grinned as she ran her fingers up her lovehandles and felt them to be more thicker with fat than they ever had been.
“My god, Scott,” she says out loud, as if he were still present, “Look at how fattening you were!”
Her eyes ran down to her breasts which had easily gone up a cup size, thanks to the hiker. Scott had also generously padded out her heavy hips, which Maddy patted with one hand.
At one point, she firmly smacked her stomach and watched it create ripples along the fatty flesh. Scott was now nothing but a generous, wobbling layer of flab upon the naga’s heavy frame.
“ Hehehehe …” she chuckles to herself, “I guess you made better naga flab then you did a hiker…”
All triumphant and satisfied with her hunt, the fat naga slithered away into the forest, waiting for another unfortunate victim to add to her overweight curves.