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Feb 14, 12:57 PM
Jul 2020
Just straight GT but better
Feb 14, 1:02 PM

Sep 2016
Diet Super Saiyan 4.... Hopefully Vegeta can get 5 seconds in the sun as well.
Feb 14, 1:36 PM

Dec 2013
I don't know how controversial this is but I'll always like SSJ4 much more than the recolors, I loved when Goku changed thanks to Pan back n the day, poor Vegeta always being behind on a never ending treadmill power race against Goku.
Feb 14, 1:57 PM
Jul 2024
if Gohan Blanco can become canon i dont know why SS4 cant
that being said chibi ssj4 looks weird
Feb 14, 2:26 PM
Feb 2014
Ok Vegeta needs to become SSJ4 as well.
Feb 14, 2:53 PM
Sep 2022
the episode was peak, rest in peace Toriyama <3
Feb 14, 2:57 PM
Oct 2024
Reply to Sheol01
I'm going to make a prediction here. I bet Glorio double-crosses her. Anyone wanted spot me 5 bucks on it?
@Sheol01 Was gonna say the same thing!! Also predicting Glorio told Daima-Shenron to turn the main characters back to adult forms... then they go on defeating Gomah afterwards. 😬
Feb 14, 4:21 PM

Oct 2010
I know one of you speaks Namekian, what did Glorio wish for?
Feb 14, 4:48 PM
Jan 2018
Reply to Sexyjutsu
I know one of you speaks Namekian, what did Glorio wish for?
@Sexyjutsu It's assumed goku & friends were wished to become adults again. Namely how Glorio ends his wish wit "ko"(child in jp)
Feb 14, 5:20 PM

Aug 2020
GT is back

but it was good
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Feb 14, 5:53 PM
Spiral Warrior

Jan 2017
LOL the ancient namekian guy just GIVING Goku the form is so ass.
The redesign with the bald forearms for some reason is SO ass.
The giant adult sized arms from the elbow down on this lil ass kid body looks like we're in Sonic Ball now lmao. (not to mention VERY inconsistent sizing between different frames, sometimes they're normal, sometimes they're a little big and other times they're fuck-off sized massive)
Another Porunga instead of a new name and design?
Having Gomah attack this Porunga and be effortlessly rebuffed kind of opens up the question of why didn't they just wish him away also. It clearly dwarfs his power and there was a whole spiel at the start of the series about white vs black magic being able to harm people.

Might have to lower my score from 3/10 unless the next two eps somehow impress big time.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Feb 14, 6:08 PM
Mar 2020
Reply to Sasori_Nagashi
LOL the ancient namekian guy just GIVING Goku the form is so ass.
The redesign with the bald forearms for some reason is SO ass.
The giant adult sized arms from the elbow down on this lil ass kid body looks like we're in Sonic Ball now lmao. (not to mention VERY inconsistent sizing between different frames, sometimes they're normal, sometimes they're a little big and other times they're fuck-off sized massive)
Another Porunga instead of a new name and design?
Having Gomah attack this Porunga and be effortlessly rebuffed kind of opens up the question of why didn't they just wish him away also. It clearly dwarfs his power and there was a whole spiel at the start of the series about white vs black magic being able to harm people.

Might have to lower my score from 3/10 unless the next two eps somehow impress big time.
@Sasori_Nagashi Certified dragon ball hater
Feb 14, 6:17 PM
Spiral Warrior

Jan 2017
Reply to RoysDomain
@Sasori_Nagashi Certified dragon ball hater
@RoysDomain you're the one gleefully dancing on it's grave for an endless stream of diarrhoea poured down your gullet.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Feb 14, 6:18 PM

Oct 2013
I am always delighted to see Super Saiyan 4. Its variant as seen in Daima looks surely different than the original one from GT (and I'm not only talking about the fact that Goku didn't stop looking like a kid after transforming), but still has its charm. I like how his colors resemble that one particular GT variant that appeared in its final arc's climax. :P

Ayo, Demon Realm's Porunga is red and has the same name as Namekian Porunga. I wonder why those three Dragon Balls didn't have black stars. That'd be yet another nod to GT.

My only grip is the whole build-up, or rather lack of it. It's okay for a generic fanservice moment, but it doesn't mean it's good (especially when the whole episode's quality was stellar). Super Saiyan 4 deserved better than just being a random power up appearing out of nowhere when Super Saiyan 3 fared quite well until Gomah amplified his power, only to lose to another Gomah' s power-boost. But whatever, I liked the design and that Kamehameha scene is one of the best Kamehameha scenes ever made. In my opinion at least. Ki wave coated with fires, Goku's pose... It looked great, lol.

Speaking about Super Saiyan 3, Majin Duu after chocolate cookie boost (xD) did well in imitating it, haha.

I don't think that Glorio will betray them. I guess he will either want Goku and his friends to turn back into adults, or his wish will be something trivial (aka wasted wish). Though the former seems more plausible.
AdnashFeb 14, 6:32 PM
Feb 14, 6:28 PM

Oct 2013
Reply to Sexyjutsu
I know one of you speaks Namekian, what did Glorio wish for?
@Sexyjutsu If we divide the whole sequence of Glorio speaking Namekian into two parts, we will get this:

1st part (before summoning Porunga): "T-Takkaraputo Popporunga Pupirittoparo!", which roughly means "H-hear me, Porunga. Arise."

2nd part (after summoning Porunga): "Poltotep Sari Kontoputtorahtons Tela Chilldopp!"; unfortunately, I have no idea what does it mean. We will find out on the next episode. :P
Feb 14, 7:04 PM
Aug 2023
Feb 14, 7:12 PM

Jan 2022
Holy shit was this episode ass!!!

1. the transformation was lame asf just woosh and ssj4 unlocked.

2. The design is ugly as all hell those big ass hulk hands aren't fooling no one!

3. The fight sequence is silly at this point. Fighting this goofy ass demon literally wish the guy out of existence or something.

4. The story or narrative for the events are ass this is like some dragon ball heros story telling. The story be better off if it was used on heros instead of this.

5. it's pretty obvious what's gonna happen next... a fusion with Vegeta and victory... (I pray this wasn't really toriyamas last work leaving us with shit show. )

Aside from the rant above. Yah this was ass, dude tried fighting a dragon ball dragon... the fucking size scale of the planet or landmass they are on is so inconsistent it's all annoying.
ah the whole pride trooper outfit is another thing. smh the potential the show had.
MariklynFeb 14, 7:22 PM
Feb 14, 7:20 PM

Apr 2010
I don't care for the Wreck It Ralph arms but otherwise I prefer the colour scheme.

I thought it was a good myself. Well animated and entertaining.
Feb 14, 7:35 PM
Jun 2020
Goku is down, vegeta can’t get back in the fight, gomah is still a problem, next episode is titled “Betrayal.” I think we may be getting ssj4 gogeta
Feb 14, 7:47 PM
Dec 2021
Can't believe they actually made SSJ4 canon. Toriyama really knows what the fans want. I couldn't stop laughing in disbelief and joy when I saw Goku take the form. Gomah's also become a really big threat now, which I'm taking much more seriously. I'm hyped to see how this ends.
Feb 14, 7:53 PM
Nov 2021
Feb 14, 7:55 PM
Jan 2025
next ep, we get daima saiyan followed by grandma priest saiyan
Feb 14, 8:38 PM

Sep 2012
I don't have a lot to say about this episode, but I did like it. I mostly just wanted to make a forum post so I could remember that I watched this episode when it came out and it was awesome xD I think the SSJ4 design was very fitting and I was glad to see it return in this new way.
Feb 14, 9:59 PM
Aug 2019
I am mixed and my thoughts may change after rewatch. IT was good some parts of the animation werent as hype, the form coming out of nowhere was strange, dragon was cool, duu learning to use ki was funny and that he looked like ssj3. i dont really care for duu and kuu that much they are kinda of a tired toryima trope. The world builidng is my favorite part of the series and the fights with tamagami 1 was my highlight. Its a solid show for a modern dragon ball property . It goes back into the tropes of gt with it being goku time. For some reason though it doesnt spark excitement like episodes of super or z used to. I dont know if its because i am now an adult or im just not interested in the premise.

Feb 14, 10:14 PM

Oct 2022
Garbage episode. The show handle SSJ4 like a joke

Feb 15, 12:17 AM
Oct 2023
fan service ssj4.
Feb 15, 12:37 AM

Aug 2018
This was my least favorite fight in the show, and Super Saiyan 4 didn’t make it any better. In fact, it felt completely unnecessary for the story like it was just a way to hype up old fans of the series. I really enjoyed the series up to this point but whatever.
Feb 15, 12:48 AM

Jan 2022
Shin86 said:
I am mixed and my thoughts may change after rewatch. IT was good some parts of the animation werent as hype, the form coming out of nowhere was strange, dragon was cool, duu learning to use ki was funny and that he looked like ssj3. i dont really care for duu and kuu that much they are kinda of a tired toryima trope. The world builidng is my favorite part of the series and the fights with tamagami 1 was my highlight. Its a solid show for a modern dragon ball property . It goes back into the tropes of gt with it being goku time. For some reason though it doesnt spark excitement like episodes of super or z used to. I dont know if its because i am now an adult or im just not interested in the premise.

great point the only highlight is the first takagami fight. it was actually hype and suspenful. where as now this is just xenoverse getting an anime...
Feb 15, 3:40 AM

Jun 2010
Akira Toriyama should be rolling in his grave with whoever wrote this crap (I refused to believe he wrote this).

SSJ3 Vegeta? SSJ4 Goku? What's next? the mythical SSJ5 with Ultra Instinct included? Makes no damn sense anymore.. and I feel whoever is running this has killed the Dragon Ball franchise with this episode and show overall. There is no continuity at all, everything is just fan-service with no care for what came before or after in DB history. There is no just explanation for anything.

Dragon Ball is now officially dead to me after this crappy show. I had my suspicions that they might fuck it up after Toriyama passed away, but damn.. they took no time at all.

Feb 15, 4:26 AM

May 2015
So, that's an old Namek coming out of nowhere who gave Goku the power of SSJ4 ? Okay, if you want.
Feb 15, 5:39 AM

Apr 2012
This was the worst shit ever. WTF.

I barely know where to begin :/

- SSJ4 is now simply some random upgrade you get from some old Namekian
- SSJ4 is still to weak for that generic villain
- Piccolo and friends had NO business joining this fight towards the end, the power difference to SSJ4-Goku and that villain should have been so vast that them joining or not would have made zero difference
- why would the bitch at the end be so confident that this guy grants her her wish? She doesn't know the language, he's no ally of hers. WTF is wrong with her?!
- why would the dragon be stronger than this villain? Weak-ass Piccolo in pre-DBZ easily killed Shenlong. There's no way this Pollunga-ripoff is THAT much stronger, gtfo.

This is such a disappointing episode, considering WHAT happened. SSJ4! This should have been an epic moment, yet it became a random, low-quality scene that's already forgotten by the end of this episode. I hate Daima so much. Pls return to Super asap.
MyllerPhiemFeb 15, 5:42 AM
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Feb 15, 6:16 AM

May 2015
Random ssj4 is random!
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Feb 15, 8:07 AM
Dec 2010
That eye is bound to have some kind of rebound after giving such a weakling so much power. Also, all power scaling and timeline integrity with original story just went out the window with this episode... sigh...
Feb 15, 8:19 AM

Aug 2016
Masterpiece of an episode, heard it broke Crunchyroll, just like UI did back in the day. Loved how Porunga just finger-flicked Gomah away like he ain't nothing, was hilarious. That aside though, seriously, a masterpiece of an episode, we've been all waiting, since 19/11/1997, 25 years for SSJ4 to finally canonize, and it finally did. The fire, the flames, the hype, the fight, the animation, the aura, every, single, thing. Couldn't take how hype, fire, and flames, the episode was, that i posted it on all my social media apps afterwards to share the feelings with my fellow men of culture. That last wish done by Glorio though was a bit of a cliffhanger, curious to know what kind of a wish he actually did, cuz depending on the wish, the next episode is gonna go big bang. Excited to see how this masterpiece would conclude!
Feb 15, 8:40 AM

Aug 2015
We had to throw in a random SSJ4 so that fans could yell "peak fiction". The animation staff know how to do their job.

No, honestly guys, it was completely lame.
Feb 15, 10:35 AM
Oct 2018
most exited I was watching daima all for ssj4
Feb 15, 10:57 AM
Jan 2020
Best Daima episode so far. I didn't expect SSJ4, but I thought that since Super is now more canon than GT, SSJ Blue might be the final transformation.

Looks like Glorio will betray Arinsu and instead turn Goku and co into adults again which makes them more powerful.
Feb 16, 6:12 AM

Sep 2014
certainly was not expecting SSJ4. Though without the prior monkey transformation it lacks the impact GT had imo.

This could be really cool.. if it wasnt a kids show.

Didnt they need a secret password? I thought just speaking namekian was not enough?
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Feb 16, 11:40 AM

Mar 2016
Reply to Wallenwhatsit
Akira Toriyama should be rolling in his grave with whoever wrote this crap (I refused to believe he wrote this).

SSJ3 Vegeta? SSJ4 Goku? What's next? the mythical SSJ5 with Ultra Instinct included? Makes no damn sense anymore.. and I feel whoever is running this has killed the Dragon Ball franchise with this episode and show overall. There is no continuity at all, everything is just fan-service with no care for what came before or after in DB history. There is no just explanation for anything.

Dragon Ball is now officially dead to me after this crappy show. I had my suspicions that they might fuck it up after Toriyama passed away, but damn.. they took no time at all.
@Wallenwhatsit I hate to break it to you, but this show's been in production since like 2022, it's not like Toriyama died, and then they scrambled to add SSJ4 after the fact. I agree with what you're saying, but this is just how Toriyama's been writing these days, Beast Gohan was the exact same thing. I gave up on Dragon Ball coming up with almost any kind of decent writing around Super, but I'm always hoping for better.
Feb 16, 12:20 PM
Nov 2023
Fcking love the SSJ4 transformation and fight sequence. Majestic!
Feb 16, 12:35 PM

Nov 2012
excited for the final two eps, Daima Porunga looked cool, but him flicking away an enemy as powerful as they've depicted Third eye Gomah felt a bit inconsistent the way it was shown. Maybe if it seemed a more mystical/magical deflection that would've sat better with me. Honestly think I would've preferred if Gomah just went straight through him or something like that. Since the eternal dragons have always been portrayed as more mystically powerful rather than physical strength.

I'm personally a bit mixed on the ssj4 (mini) transformation, but I do think it looks good mostly. Ironically this is probably what will give Daima a lot more attention, yet my reaction is more mixed. But a lot of the other elements of Daima I've been more positive about, are simply not capable of generating this level of buzz.

In short it almost doesn't matter how "good" Daima is in those aspects, it really needs to include stuff like to have any hope of succeeding.

I was convinced we'd see either Vegito(mini) or Gogeta(mini) as soon as the (mini) thing happened to all of them, and my belief was further reinforced when they teased fusion with the bugs. So maybe we will see something like that in the remaining eps.
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
Feb 16, 3:05 PM

Oct 2016
Are these Dragons only afraid of Beerus anyway? What's a little, arrogant evil king to Porunga if not an ant or a fly. He's not even a mosquito...

If the transformation is really SSJ4, then I prefer it to the GT SSJ4. Black hair didn't make sense, plus red hair are always better than any other hair colour. It's the way nature wants it.

I definitely wanted to see them use the fusion bugs, but I think Glorio just turned them back into adults, so that's likely off the table...
Feb 16, 10:46 PM

Feb 2021
So this is similar to GT universe where Goku become child and got SS4. Can't wait to see the result of the wish :)
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Feb 17, 7:25 PM

Mar 2018
oh yeah that's just straight up SSJ4 lol

It's been hard keeping up weekly with this show after entering collage, but the moment I saw people talking about this I knew I had to sacrifice some of my sleep time and catch up.

Curiously though, I felt that it was what came _after_ that what made the episode for me. The animation for Red Porunga, alongside the BEAUTIFUL track they played.... amazing!

Thus far I've liked it when the show moved the spotlight from Goku and gang and instead focused on Arinsu and the other demon realm characters... I wish more time had been dedicated to them tbh, but still! Even more so I enjoyed everything after she called Glorio demanding the dragon balls.

Early on into this show's airing I saw someone propose the theory that Saiyans are also from the demon realm, and that the great ape form is their "natural look" (due to the pointy ears). I wonder if this SSJ4 (?) transformation will lead to that

Also I kinda actually liked how kid Goku looks in SSJ4 and SSJ3. Same with Vegeta for the latter. Wish they were adults tho
"Thus, my life needs no meaning. This body is made out of infinite swords"
"A name... Toru Rikiishi"
Feb 17, 11:38 PM
May 2024
I love how we have a canon ss4 transformation!!!
Feb 18, 6:57 PM

Jun 2020
Binged 16-18 with a friend and wow these episodes were amazing!! The animation was gorgeous and I love that they are actually jumping Gomah. SSJ4 being canon is crazy, I bet Vegeta is getting it next ep too. Also Glorio is definitely turning them into adults I bet
Feb 19, 10:37 AM
Jun 2020
It, Had, the, Super, Saiyan, 4 is that enough words
Feb 19, 12:59 PM
Jul 2022
it still get worst episode by episode. They should do a remake of Dragon Ball GT instead of this show. The Old Namekian just give Goku ssj4 without work: it is non sense and nobody notice it ? Ssj4 was good in GT because of all side story that lead to it, like Ozaru form. And why Daima goku have a tail ?? Man, this show only exist to sell merch and to ruin dragon ball. It still getting worse from GT to Super to Daima now. 3/4 of episodes they fix their ship...if only they could fly.. Wait.. They fly !! An entire episode of useless battle and an upcoming namekian gogeta ssj4 fusion ?

The good part is that this show is nearly ended, how Toriyama-sensei could give us that ?
Feb 19, 2:00 PM
Jan 2023
Dragon Ball new series!!!
who making this?
who is the writer of this new story?
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